LinkedIn silently launched “COLLABORATIVE ARTICLE”

LinkedIn silently launched COLLABORATIVE ARTICLE

Yesterday LinkedIn has launched a new feature called Collaborative article, which allows users to share their thoughts on their domain. But this function is currently available for only selected LinkedIn contributors but is soon to be open for all.

How to access Collaborative articles?

In their yesterday’s official statement, LinkedIn says ” They have invited a selected group of experts to contribute insights within selected topics / which LinkedIn will be suggesting in coming days. The LinkedIn algorithm will identify members who are experts in a certain topic based on their skills, post engagement (On LinkedIn), and work experience. If you want to be considered / interested to become a collaborator, it is wise to start engaging with those articles by liking and reacting. The selected contributors should also meet LinkedIn’s User Agreement and Professional Community Policies. To reward the contributors LinkedIn will be recognizing them with badges like “Top Marketer’s Voice” etc.., The minimum response is 125 characters. The maximum response is 750 characters. The parameter to become a top contributor relies on content quality and how many users find those insights as helpful.

This feature is still in the restricted phase, we have to wait and see how it evolves in the coming months.

You can find the official statement from LinkedIn here – LinkedIn Collaborative article

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