Apple Care+ for your iPhone 14 Pro models review

Apple Care+ for your iPhone 14 Pro and Later models review

As you all know Apple has already announced the new iPhone product launch date as September 12th, Fans are excited and started saving hard-earned money to upgrade their phone to iPhone 15. But still, the iPhone 14 has been a successful model especially the pro versions in recent years and millions of devices have been sold in the last two months.

As most of us must have been faced with this below question while buying an iPhone at an Apple store,

Would like to add Apple Care+ with your new device?

Here is my suggestion, If you’re planning to purchase iPhone 14 models before the next version iPhone 15 launch, or post that would you be paying another hefty price for Care+?

I would simply recommend not opting for the Apple Care+ plan for 14 models at this point in time. Here is why:

  • Expensive Care+ Plan: As you know iPhone 15 launch is right around the corner, buying an iPhone 14 model with a Care+ plan will dig a big hole in your wallet with less value.
  • Trap with old model: With accidental and theft protection you are paying for the Care+ plan for an existing model not for the new models that are launched in the current year. Technically you are paying additional cost for an outdated model.
  • Apple Care+ Basics: Apple has a strict policy for a Care+ plan subscription to be made while purchasing an iPhone or with 60 Days purchase. Especially if you are subscribing to Care+ after a few days of purchase the diagnostics process is very consuming.

Apple has come up with Ceramic Shield technology with iPhone 14 which makes all the models stronger and tougher. The successful drop tests prove Apple’s statement, so I personally would recommend not opting for the Apple Care+ plan for any of the iPhone 14 by paying $269 models but I still think buying this protection for iPhone 15 will be value for money.

Here is the detailed Apple Care+ with theft plan cost:

  • iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max – $269
  • iPhone 14 Plus – $249
  • iPhone 14 – $219

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Image courtesy: Image by Freepik

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